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Welcome to our Resume & CV submission form. Please use this form to provide as much information as possible about your work experience and desired role.

Price Guide:

  • <10 years' experience - $150.00 inc cover letter ($125 w/o)

  • +10 years' experience - $225.00 inc cover letter ($200 w/o)

  • Executive / Senior CV - by quote only

All prices include Unlimited drafts (excluding agreed upon variations) to ensure you are happy with the final draft as part of our Speak for Yourself policy.

Your Information


The Basics

Do you have a current resume you would like to send us?
Would you like to add a cover letter?

(please refer to price guide above)

Your Education, Training & Experience

Tell us about your education, training & qualifications

TIP: Use format: Institution / Qualification(s) / Year Attained)

Example: "Melbourne University / Bachelor of Science / 2005

Your Employment History

Tell us about your employment history

TIP: Use format: Employer / Period worked / Duties & responsibilities

Example: "ACME Company / April 2005 to May 2010 / Managing staff etc."

Your Volunteer or Additional Experience

TIP: Please include any additional information such as hobbies, interests, memberships to any clubs / associations or ability to speak other language.

Please add any referees

TIP: Please ensure you have permission to share your referees' information with us or any prospective employer.

You're almost done ...

When do you need your resume finalised?

TIP: Please note that standard turnaround times vary depending on workloads and job length. Urgent jobs may attract a surcharge fee (to be quoted).

Please take a short survey

How did you find us?

One last thing ...

Please read our Terms and Conditions (link below)
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions

© 2012 - 2025 Write My Letter

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An Australian Owned and Operated business

(Melbourne, Victoria)

Ph. | 0433 206 019

ABN  | 40 334 330 043

*Jason Themistoklis is a non-practising Australian Lawyer admitted in Victoria, Australia. Jason Themistoklis is not a practising legal practitioner and does not provide any advice or provide any legal services, whether under the name of Jason Themistoklis or under the trading as entity of 'Write My Letter'. Further, Write My Letter or WriteMyLetter Life or Jason Themistoklis is not an incorporated law firm and none of these names or entities provide legal advice or services. The information contained on this website or in any service we provide to you is intended as a guide only and should not be taken to be the giving of legal advice or a substitute for the giving of legal advice. You are strongly encouraged to obtain independent legal advice before sending or using any letter or document for any purpose.

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