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SERVICES > Copy Writing & Advertising

Communication is key

Communicating with customers is the most important aspect of any business. Whether it's over the telephone or in person, via a website or in a letter or through TV, radio or printed advertising; the impact that effective communication with your customers can have on your business should never be fogotten or ignored.


It's no secret that most people will decide on a purchase with a company based on their first few seconds of contact with that company - and that includes whether it's a radio or TV ad, flyer, letter or other type of advertising.


That's why clear, concise, clever and creative advertising copy for your business is the key to effective communication and increased sales. We call it the 4-Cs Rule and that's what we create for you: clear, concise, clever and creative advertising copy, designed to capture the attention of your customers.




The '4-Cs Rule'

Our approach to writing advertising copy is as follows:-


1. Be clear about what you want to communicate.

2. Be concise about what you want to communicate.

3. Be clever about engaging your customers.

4. Be creative and create a unique 'voice' for your business.



  • CLEAR | We capture what it is you want to tell your customers and we express that clearly in whatever format you need - business letters, website content, flyers, public notices, press releases and TV or radio advertisements, to name a few.


  • CONCISE | Being passionate about your business means you might be tempted to talk about absolutely everything there is to know (and more). This can confuse customers and cause them to feel overwhelmed and less likely to want to purchase whatever it is your selling or offering. Our approach is to get straight to the point. We figure out what it is that makes your business so great and then we tell your customers about it.


  • CLEVER | A clever approach to your advertising means having an angle that you know will appeal directly to your main target audience. We learn about your business and figure out what that angle is and create content that is both informative and entertaining to read.


  • CREATIVE | Being creative with advertising copy goes beyond fantasy and story-telling. It's about knowing how to keep up with modern advertising trends and understanding the golden rule: don't take your business too seriously! We write advertising copy that is tailor-made for your business. We do this by creating a unique 'voice' for your business and use language that appeals to people's natural tendency to positively respond to humour or creative prose. 



Target your audience with the right words

With literally billions of users world-wide, targeting your audience online can be like trying to throw a bull's eye on a dartboard from over 30 metres away, while blindfolded! That's why you need the right words, sentences and phrases to bring traffic directly to your website. 


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) sounds more like an annoying catchphrase or spam email these days, but it's actually an extremely important tool to help ensure your target audience can find you quickly and easily online.


So what exactly is SEO? Well, it's basically a way to ensure that everything on your website is fine-tuned to ensure that when someone searches for something online using one of the major search engines (Google, Bing etc), your business shows up as the top result or as close to the top as possible.


While many hours and countless coffees can go into ensuring your website is SEO-ready, often the most effective and simplest way to optimise your website is to ensure the written content contains keywords relevant to your business.


For example: a website about a professional writing company will want keywords such as "professional writing service", "letter writing" or "resumes and cover letters" littered throughout the online content.


For this content that you're reading right now, we have ensured the strategic placement of keywords throughout, which is most likely what brought you directly to this page or website.


While there's plenty of other things one can do to their website to ensure it is SEO friendly, Write My Letter specialises in creating written content that targets your audience online by using the right words to maximise the chance of your business being ranked higher on Google and other search engines. 


We do this by analysing your business and researching the most relevant keywords and popular search strings used by people online when searching for similar goods or services. We then use those keywords throughout the content, whilst ensuring everything reads and flows well.

Price guide and turn-around time

Write My Letter offers affordable pricing and fixed quotes on all copy writing and advertising copy services.


As copy writing can exist in many different formats, quotes for different types of copy services can vary greatly. 


Please contact us for a free, no obligation discussion and quote.


The total amount of your quote depends on the following:-


  • Word count and overall estimated time for completion

  • Type of document or copy needed

  • Amount of research involved / required.


Turn-around time:


Time for completion can vary depending on the type of job. We endeavour to complete all work as quickly as possible and will provide you with an estimated turn-around time with your free quote.


Use our secure online submission form to send us your document by clicking HERE or send an email to




© 2012 - 2025 Write My Letter

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An Australian Owned and Operated business

(Melbourne, Victoria)


Ph. | 0433 206 019

ABN  | 40 334 330 043

*Jason Themistoklis is a non-practising Australian Lawyer admitted in Victoria, Australia. Jason Themistoklis is not a practising legal practitioner and does not provide any advice or provide any legal services, whether under the name of Jason Themistoklis or under the trading as entity of 'Write My Letter'. Further, Write My Letter or WriteMyLetter Life or Jason Themistoklis is not an incorporated law firm and none of these names or entities provide legal advice or services. The information contained on this website or in any service we provide to you is intended as a guide only and should not be taken to be the giving of legal advice or a substitute for the giving of legal advice. You are strongly encouraged to obtain independent legal advice before sending or using any letter or document for any purpose.

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