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Write My Letter is Australia's most trusted professional, technical and creative writing service. Offering fixed quotes on a wide-range of jobs and affordable pricing on professional letters for virtually any situation - it's your one-stop-shop for everything to do with the written word.


See below for a brief description of each service and click on the links below to open our secure online submission forms. 


It's hard to believe, but letters are still the number one form of communication in today's modern and fast-paced world.


We write letters for virtually any situation - concise and easy to read. Whether it's a letter to your employer, friend, neighbour or government body, we'll find the right words.

Resumes &

Cover Letters

Put your best foot forward with a professional and elegantly designed resume and cover letter that will win you jobs.


We pride ourselves on our ability to capture your skills and experience in a concise, well-designed and highly professional resume and cover letter, suitable for junior and senior roles.

Proofreading & 


Proofreading and editing your own work can be very difficult because our brains can trick us into ignoring simple mistakes.


Perfect spelling and grammar can make all the difference between an amateur and professional document. Get it right the first time.

Copy Writing & 


Writing effective content for websites and advertising mediums means knowing your customers well.


We begin by developing a unique concept and angle for your business, using clever, but simple language to instantly grab the attention of your target audience.

© 2012 - 2025 Write My Letter

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An Australian Owned and Operated business

(Melbourne, Victoria)


Ph. | 0433 206 019

ABN  | 40 334 330 043

*Jason Themistoklis is a non-practising Australian Lawyer admitted in Victoria, Australia. Jason Themistoklis is not a practising legal practitioner and does not provide any advice or provide any legal services, whether under the name of Jason Themistoklis or under the trading as entity of 'Write My Letter'. Further, Write My Letter or WriteMyLetter Life or Jason Themistoklis is not an incorporated law firm and none of these names or entities provide legal advice or services. The information contained on this website or in any service we provide to you is intended as a guide only and should not be taken to be the giving of legal advice or a substitute for the giving of legal advice. You are strongly encouraged to obtain independent legal advice before sending or using any letter or document for any purpose.

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